Saturday, September 3, 2011

Samuel's Knives

I like knives. Ever since I was little. So I also enjoy getting a new one and building my collection. Before my mission, I flew home for a few days before entering the MTC and in one suitcase, all of my knives were safely stashed away. But I never saw that suitcase again; I assume it was taken by another passenger who was surprised to find a cache of knives when they opened the suitcase up to unpack. So since my mission I have slowly been building my collection of knives. I admit that it isn't reasonable to have tons of knives. One knife is all that is needed to open boxes, or gut fish, or play mumbly-peg, clean your fingernails, or whatever else a knife may come in handy for. But let's say a bad guy busts into your home and you need to protect yourself. You are not going to want to use this:
It would probably be better to use something like this:

This is a man's knife. Technically this is a bayonet to be fitted at the end of a rifle, which would scare off most bad guys.

Or the one below. It is a Smith and Wesson. This is my newest and most prized knife. I bought this one today. It was 80% off so and I couldn't res
ist(Stephanie gave me the OK to go ahead with it). This knife is equipped with a seat belt cutter and a glass smasher for whenever we are in an accident and can't escape through the doors.

But my Batman Smith and Wesson isn't the only new addition. I also added a Smith and Wesson S.W.A.T. It is seen below alongside the Batman. This one was 75% off and I received the OK from my lovely wife.

Knives are also good for making good first impression, they say a lot about who you are; especially at places like Scout Camp. The cooler the knife the cooler the Scout. I am proud to say that I usually dominated at being a cool Scout. I never showed up with one of these:

There isn't even a point on the blade. Everyone would think you were a Cub Scout carving a bar of soap. So I showed up with these:

These Old Timers were pretty cool. My Grandpa had one, my Dad had one, and I had one. But I also had a couple of these:

So right now I am only up to six knives. I suppose I will be satisfied for a little while longer. But until I get more, we are prepared for anything. If an earthquake comes and swallows up our utensils and scissors, we will have knives. And if there is no food, we can still catch and kill, because we have knives. And if a bad guy comes, don't worry. We have knives. And if I ever become a Scout Leader, who will be the cool leader that all the kids like? It will be me because I have(and will have more) cool knives.

Stephanie is so happy that I have these to protect her with and I know she feels so lucky to have married me. I will continue to build my collection of knives as long as our budget(and Stephanie) allows it, but the next thing that I want is a hatchet...and maybe some throwing knives.


  1. Dear Samuel-- Have you met my brothers? You really, really should next time you're in Washington, as they both live there. You would get along with them so good. Seriously.

  2. Haha I like your man's knife. I think Micah should get one so he can protect us from bad guys too.

  3. I read this thinking that my little brother would be so excited to compare knife collections with you...Also, congratulations on your thrifty shopping! You've done well, young padowan.
