Saturday, March 5, 2011


2 posts in 3 days...I am doing better! Last night I finally saw the new Disney movie "Tangled." People had been telling me ever since the movie came out that I would love it. But due to frugality I had never seen it in the main theaters and was waiting for it to come to the dollar theater. Well last night was the first night it was showing there and so Samuel and I went to see it. Everyone was right, I loved it! It was so cute and funny and had great characters, music, and storyline. I loved the whole movie but I am going to have to say the lantern scene was my favorite because it was so beautiful! I attached the video below, the sound is not super good, but it shows the general idea at least:

When we saw the movie they were only offering it in 3D which I am not that fond of, but I have to say, it was perfect for this scene and made it even more beautiful. Back when Tangled first came out I saw a 'Tangled list' that a friend had created and put on facebook with a list of their dreams, inspired by a quote from the movie. After seeing the movie and reading the list I realized that I was thinking a lot about my own dreams and wanted to make my own list, so here it is...

Quote from the movie:

Rapunzel: I've been looking out of a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what I might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?

Flynn Rider: It will be.

Rapunzel: And what if it is? What do I do then?

Flynn Rider: Well, that's the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream.

My list of dreams:
-Go to New Zealand- I would love to travel the world in general, but right now that is the country at the top of my list
-Never stop reading, and loving it as much as I have from when I was a child until now
-Go back to Chile with Samuel (it is where he served his mission)
-Serve a mission with Samuel
-Go scuba diving, and it would be really great if my dad could come along too since that is also one of his dreams
-Be a marriage and family therapist
-Have a library in my future home, full of all kinds of books
-Have all of my future children get married in the temple
-Keep writing in my journal regularly the way I do now throughout the rest of my life
-Go back to the London LDS temple, and this time actually go inside
-Ride in a horse-drawn carriage through the snow
-Have a porch swing at our house that Samuel and I will sit on when we are old and gray... holding hands, watching the world around us, and not having to say anything at all
-Do some sort of humanitarian mission in a foreign country
-Never lose my "aww" reaction to cute or touching things, and never lose my love of love
-Work/volunteer at a library when I am older
-Have a piece of artwork done by Rachel hanging in my house
-Attend a masquerade ball
-Read to my kids regularly... and anyone else who will listen :)
-Go skydiving
-Go on a Church History trip
-When I am old, having a house covered with pictures of my children and grandchildren
-Never lose touch with my closest friends

Some of the dreams are a lot more important/meaningful than others, but for better or for worse, these are my dreams.


  1. Yay for dreams! they are all great dreams! we love and miss you steph!
