Sunday, October 9, 2011

Samuel's Fashion Sense

Since Samuel is such a "manly man" who is into all things masculine and would be very offended to be told he is not a man, I was surprised to find that he actually has quite a few opinions about women's fashion... and good ones too. I never really liked shoe shopping that much until I met Samuel. A little while back I let Samuel go shoe shopping with me and pick out a pair of high heels for me. These are the ones I came home with:

They might not look like it in the picture, but they were higher than any other pair of high heels I owned. Surprisingly though, they were not uncomfortable and I really like them.

This summer I said something to Samuel while we were in a store about how I thought I might want to get a purse for my birthday or Christmas since I have only ever had the small ones that hold nothing more than my wallet, and the tote bag I had used for a long time had worn out with a hole in the side. Instead of waiting until later Samuel took us over to the purse section right then and proceeded to pick out different purses while others he pointed out as "too old woman like" or "not fashionable." We narrowed it down to two and then this was the one we picked out:

I didn't think I would ever own an alligator skin type purse, but I actually really like it and it has gotten a lot of good use.

Another time that we were walking through the mall Samuel spotted these teal high heels through the window:

I had looked all over for teal shoes for the our wedding but I hadn't found any until now. They were not very expensive and so Samuel said "We have to get them" (Yes, his words, not mine :) ). There was a buy one get one 50% off sale on the high heels and so we also got these black high heels:

It's not very often that we buy shoes, clothes, etc with our limited budget but it has been fun to see a different side of manly Samuel who has a good fashion sense :).


  1. haha I love it! I feel like sometimes boys need to be coaxed into sharing their secret amazing opinions on women fashion. I realized this after Alex's mission. He actually has really good ideas and opinions. Who knew? :)

  2. I am so glad that samuel has finally found his feminine side! Maybe he will start wearing some heels too.
